Promoting Agri Entrepreneurs

Thematic areas:
To enable Agri based and dairy based services at the door steps to the farmers through profession entrepreneurs.

This is promoted among the FPOs viz. Pashumitras (Dairy Entrepreneurs) and Krushakmitras (Agri Entrepreneurs). Pashumitras are professional AI(artificial insemination) technicians who are provided with 45 days of inhouse training through NDDB and 75 days of field training. They not only do AI services at the door steps, but also do milk collections, supply feed and nutrition mixers and provide banking services to the dairy farmers. They collect nominal fees for their services. Till date ESAF Foundation has trained 69 pashumitras in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. On an average Pashumitras earn Rs. 15000 per month through their dairy based services.

Krushakmitras are aimed to create a cadre of local level Agri based entrepreneurs. They are trained to support farmers and FPOs in improving farm productivity by providing them with training, knowledge, and resources to optimize crop yields and reduce crop losses. ESAF Foundation has trained 78 Krushakmithras. Major supports offered by the Krushakmithras are input supply at door steps, sapling nursery, product aggregation for FPOs. On an average Krushakmitras are earning Rs. 10,000 per month.
Impact areas:
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka

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