Capacity building of farmers

Thematic areas:
In the process of building capacities of FPOs, series of training programs are conducted for the board of directors, lead farmers, and farmers at large. Every year, more than 12,000 farmers are provided different types of trainings.

The training programmes include following components:
• Institution building trainings to make farmers understand the need of institutionalisation and strength & benefits of collective bargaining.
• Training on good agriculture practices, from sowing to harvest, for increased productivity and reduced input cost
• Training on climate smart agriculture practices to bring a focus on efficient and sustainable utilisation of resources
• Training on Marketing and business development to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among farmers to focus on demand-based production, market analysis and forecasting.
Impact areas:
Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha, Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh

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